Who we are
Euro-Chemicals Asphalt is an independently operating company that specialises in supplying additives and finished products for bituminous applications and special innovative fillers for other industrial applications. We have more than 20 years of experience.
Our network includes both operational people and developers. We also maintain extensive contacts with road authorities at home and abroad.

Product portfolio
Euro-Chemicals Asphalt offers its customers a comprehensive and innovative product portfolio and specialist support for the various applications of our products. For our suppliers, we provide wide access to the market and the ultimate users of their products. As much as possible, we aim for a product portfolio with sustainable products.
Euro-Chemicals Asphalt operates in Benelux, Germany, Austria, Switserland and France. In addition, we have a joint venture in Britain and Ireland, Flomac Ltd.
For asphalt repair products, we have a joint venture with Vialit Austria called Vialit Benelux.
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